This section describes the functions and related parameters of hybrid combiner company

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hybrid combiner company

The hybrid combiner company is an energy-wasting RF/microwave component containing resistive materials within the component. In addition to the commonly used resistive fixed hybrid combiner company, there are electrically controlled quick adjustment hybrid combiner company. hybrid combiner companies are widely used in a variety of situations where power level adjustment is required.

The hybrid combiner company has the following basic uses:

1) Control power level: Control the output power of local vibration in the microwave superheterodyne receiver to obtain the best noise factor and frequency conversion loss, and achieve the best receiving effect. In microwave receiver, automatic gain control is realized to improve the dynamic range.

2) Decoupling element: as a decoupling element between the oscillator and the load.

3) Relative standard: as a comparative power level of the relative standard.

4) The jump hybrid combiner company used for radar anti-jamming: it is a variable hybrid combiner company with sudden change of attenuation capacity. It does not introduce attenuation in normal times, but increases the attenuation suddenly when encountering external interference.

From the microwave network point of view, hybrid combiner company is a two-port lossy microwave network. It belongs to the pass-through microwave element.

hybrid combiner company Parameters:

1) Attenuation: used to describe the amount of signal reduction from one end to the other during transmission. Can be expressed in multiples or decibels.

2) VSWR: equal to the ratio of the characteristic impedance to the load impedance connected at the output end of the transmission line.

3) Maximum average power: When the output end of hybrid combiner company is connected to the characteristic impedance, the maximum power can be added to the input end of hybrid combiner company for a long time at the specified maximum operating temperature. When the operating temperature drops to 20. C. When the input power is reduced to 10mW, other indicators of the attenuator should not change.

4) Power coefficient of insertion loss: when the input power is from 10mW to rated power, the change value of insertion loss (dB).

5) Maximum peak power: When the hybrid combiner company is connected to the characteristic impedance at the output end, add the maximum peak power of 5ms pulse width to the input end of hybrid combiner company at the specified maximum working temperature within the specified time. When the operating temperature drops to 20. C. When the input power is reduced to 10mW, other indicators of hybrid combiner company should not change.

6) Temperature coefficient: maximum variation of insertion loss in the maximum operating temperature range of hybrid combiner company, dB/º C means.

7) Shock and vibration: The hybrid combiner company must withstand shock and vibration tests in three directions.

8) Frequency response of insertion loss: 20º C, the change of loss value in the whole frequency range (dB).

9) Upper limit of operating temperature: the highest temperature (º C).

10) Deviation of nominal insertion loss: 20º C, deviation between insertion loss and nominal value measured at input power of 10mW.

11) Joint life: the number of normal connection/disconnection times of hybrid combiner company; All electrical and mechanical specifications of the hybrid combiner company shall meet the specifications within the specified lifetime.

12) Intermodulation distortion: hybrid combiner company intermodulation distortion consists of stray signals and is caused by nonlinear factors in the device. Of particular concern is third-order intermodulation distortion, because third-order intermodulation products are large and cannot be filtered out. The test method of third-order intermodulation level is to inject two pure signals of equal amplitude (f1 and f2) into the device under test. Third-order intermodulation will appear at 2f1-f2 and 2f2-f1 of the output spectrum. Third-order intermodulation products are defined by their size with respect to f1 or f2 and are represented by -dBc.

hybrid combiner company
