Tianya Prodigal Son-Chen Qingyun _ txt Novel Paradise

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"You go,Stainless Steel Industrial Sheet, I'm sleepy!" "Yes!" Sima Changxiao bowed his head and turned and retreated. "Ahem! Ridiculous! "Sima Changjiang's eyes widened." Grand Duke!

"The old man is thinking about Xi'er again?" Lady Sima's eyes immediately turned red. "I was thinking... Why did heaven teach the Sima family to never have offspring? ” "Lord, Providence is irreparable by manpower, according to the foolishness of the concubine... Ichihei is a good person, why not accept it as a borer to pass on cigarettes? ” "This... I also thought about it, but Xi'er didn't like him before she died, if she did this, would Xi'er be at ease underground? And...... This matter must be approved by the eldest brother, who has been confined to himself in the back garden hut for twenty years, and people cannot be more strange, and it is too difficult to meet him for a few words. ” "This is a big deal, do you have to see it?" "Actually... Big brother..." Sima Chang screamed and stopped talking. "What about Big Brother?" "He should be the second brother, I'm third." "Ah!" Madame Sima was astonished: "I have never heard you mention it." ” "Alas!" Sima Changxiao sighed again: "This is a family ugly, I have thought about it countless times, you are already the hostess of the mountain villa, there are some things you should know." The eldest brother was called Sima Changying, and he had married because... The object of the marriage was improper, the old woman strongly opposed, and then... He also made a scandal that the eldest sister-in-law did not keep the way of women, and as a result, he was suspended by the eldest brother. "Later, the eldest brother found out that the eldest sister-in-law had been wronged, and he was so ashamed that he was about to go crazy, so... He never returned home. ” "No news?" "Nothing." "That... Why do you call the old man the second son? ” "This... It's the meaning of mother. ” "Why did the mother do this?" "She... Do not admit to having this son. Sima Chang screamed with pain on his face. The old woman has passed away, and he can send the bride in front of his wife, can't he? "That... Big brother, no, it should be said that it is the second brother, the second sister-in-law Qiu Ping and him what is going on? ” "The sister-in-law's story repeats itself, the difference is... The second sister-in-law was self-determined in the manor. Sima Changxiao was silent for a long time before he said: "The back garden cottage is where the second sister-in-law decided to decide, and the second brother built a hut to commemorate the second sister-in-law, and he banned himself from building a hut, except that I didn't see anyone, for twenty years." Lady Sima nodded deeply. "That... The matter between Xi'er and the Little Qing Sisters..." "Can't tell him, he can't stand it!" Another lament: "He himself said that he was dead,Stainless Steel Industrial Pipe, alive in a shell without a soul." ” "Pathetic!" "I'm going to see him, I don't know if I can see him." Sima Changxiao stood up. At this time, a figure between the flower beds outside the window quietly disappeared. Sima Changxiao stood in front of the door of the hut, and he had knocked on the door three times. "Lao Pu, Lao Pu, are you here?" "Is it the second son?" Lao Pu answered inside. "Yes, I want to see the Grand Duke." Please show me a big deal. ” "But... The Grand Duke had just fallen asleep. ” "Ask him to get up, it's a big deal and it's up to him to decide." "This... Well, I'll try it. ” After a while, Lao Pu came out and opened the wall door."Second son, please come in!" In the room, Sima Changjiang sat huddled in a quilt. "Big Brother!" As he usually called it, he said, "To worry about you so late, there is something that must be asked of you before it can be decided." ” "What opinion can a dead man have?" Sima Changjiang's voice was almost cold, and there was not even a trace of emotion. Sima Changxiao smiled bitterly. "Big brother, please listen to what I said, mirror stainless steel sheet ,Stainless Steel Welded Pipe, Sima Jiadi was accidental, the people are thin, there is no successor, you can't break the root, I mean..." "Wait a minute, let me say first, we were originally three brothers, the eldest brother's whereabouts are unknown, I am already a living dead, you have become a single Ding, but you are empty under your knees, this is not Providence, it is the fault of man..." "Big brother, I know you're freaking out the mother, but the mother has passed away, so don't mention it again." Sima Changxiao had a tearless expression. "If you don't mention it, don't mention it, I'm second, don't call me big brother in the future." "Yes, second brother." "Now you say, simple and clear, I don't have the patience to listen to your details." "Well, I've already talked to Yunzhu about this matter, and I can't listen to the second brother's words." After a pause, he added, "The Sima family can't be without a queen, my apprentice Fang Yiping is a good person, and wants to adopt him as a borer to inherit cigarettes, I don't know what the second brother intends?" ” After speaking, he fixed his eyes on Sima Changjiang and held the following. "You mean to recruit money?" "This... You can also marry him another woman. "Sima Changxiao did not dare to say that Sima Qian was already unfortunate in this section, and he felt that it was inappropriate to speak out." What, marry him for another? ” "This... Just talk about it, it may not be done. ” "Hey, hey, hey!" Sima Changjiang sneered, "Third brother, thanks to the fact that you have lived such a long time, you are still the lord of a village, and you are so naïve in speaking." Your apprentice's surname is Fang, he is an outsider, and if you marry him an outsider, you can't get involved with the Sima family at all, this is called inheriting incense? Why don't you give Lingyun Mountain Villa to the Fang family? ” Sima Changxiao was silent, and his face turned blue and white. "It's ridiculous!" Sima Changjiang was so angry that he was thrown out of bed: "You say, how could you come up with such a bad idea?" What makes you faint? ” "Second brother, don't be angry, it's me... Not well thought out. "Sima Changxiao is speechless, originally Fang Yiping was going to be in trouble, and now the only daughter has died inexplicably, and she doesn't even know how she died, and the other party Yiping is not a debt, but it can't be said clearly..." "I don't care what you do as a couple." "The second brother is... Oppose? ” "I don't have any opinions, you can go!" "Since... The second brother did not approve, just when I did not say it! ” "You go,Stainless Steel Industrial Sheet, I'm sleepy!" "Yes!" Sima Changxiao bowed his head and turned and retreated. "Ahem! Ridiculous! "Sima Changjiang's eyes widened." Grand Duke! Lao Pu closed the outer door and entered the room."I'll change my name to second son in the future!" "This... Yes! Old Pu Gong replied, "The second prince's supper tonight..." "I want to have two drinks!" Old Pu took the door and went out. Sima Changjiang sat on the bed with his eyes wide open and did not move. The sound of a whole cup of chopsticks was heard in the small hall outside the room, and soon the footsteps left. sxthsteel.com


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