Hot Heavenly King _ Liu Xia Hui _ txt Novel Paradise

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Hot Heavenly King _ Liu Xia Hui _ txt Novel Paradise

It's all right. He is joking with you. He's back in the game. It's hard to control yourself. Tang Chong pulled Zhang Hepburn not to do anything out of control in an impulsive mood. We are all stars, entertainers and public figures. How can we curse others? "You just know to protect him." Zhang Hepburn stamped his feet angrily. He bullied me so much that you didn't avenge me-didn't you like me? Tang Zhong thought about it seriously. When did he like Zhang Hepburn? A not small accident was temporarily suppressed because of the restraint of both sides. After doing some work, director Wu Senlin made a gesture and continued filming. The following scene is the scene between Tang Zhong and Bomb. 'Bomb 'Kidnapped Zhang Hepburn and was discovered by Black Man. 'Bomb 'Attempt to destroy the hostage plan failed and attempted to escape. The Black Man is chasing crazily. The two men jumped onto the roof and launched a brutal, violent and passionate fight scene. Now, this is the scene to be filmed. This scene is also one of the five big battles in the whole story. Very important. Wu Senlin could not bear to explain the script and the performance of the sub-lens to the crowd again. Tang Zhongbo, Zhang Hepburn and others all gathered their spirits to listen. What else don't you understand? Wu Senlin asked. Understand Everyone said in chorus. Very good. Then let's get started. Director Wu Senlin said. He pressed his hand down hard and shouted, "a." So the bomb ran out first. Jump down hard from the roof. The bomb is really an old man, and this scene is very well performed. Both the action and the expression are in place. Once, OK. Followed by Tang Chong's chase. He's going to jump off the roof, too. This is also not difficult for Tang Zhong. He jumped, rolled, stood up and shot according to what the martial arts instructor had just taught him. At one go. Without panting in the middle. The crowd was dazzled. Even Wu Senlin, a picky director,S Adenosyl Methionine, had a smile on his face, and he knew he had found a treasure. This is an action movie, the performance is important, the action is also very important. Tang Zhong's action is really too professional. No, it should be said that it is more professional than those martial arts stars who specialize in action movies. It looks like real kung fu. It's powerful,Berberine Hydrochloride Factory, it's difficult, and most importantly, it's gorgeous. The audience knows the goods, and they will be crazy to see such a performance. It's the same story as countless movies. The bullets in the gun ran out, and Tang Zhong and the bomb engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Everyone knows that the so-called fists and flesh in movies and TV are fake, and those covered with blood are made up. However, it has become a reality here in Tang Zhong. Tang Zhong kicked out and kicked the whole bomb out. The bomb was stunned by him. Isn't this a show? How is this kid for real? "What do you want?" Roared the bomb. He used the Chinese language. Battle Tang Chong said with a sneer. I will punish you on behalf of justice. "Go to hell." Bomb also a little kungfu skills, struggling to climb up from the ground, gritted his teeth toward Tang Chong rushed past. Bang- Don punched him again-no, Heme Iron Polypeptide ,Thyroid Powder Factory, it was Black Man who punched him in the jaw again. If you're scared, why don't you get a double? The bomb gritted its teeth and rushed up again. Bang- The Black Man punched him in the stomach again. Do you want to take a break? I know your body is weak. The bomb now knows that Tang Zhong is taking revenge. He was retaliating for what he had just done to Zhang Hepburn. But what he said was so vicious, what he did was so cruel-and most importantly, if he changed his double now, how could he get revenge? Didn't Tang Chong take advantage of it in vain? Bang- The Black Man kicked him again at the knee of his little foot. Before he could wipe the blood oar, the bomb was bleeding from the corners of his mouth. Director- "The assistant director shouted anxiously beside him." They're really fighting. It's a real fight. Shall we make them stop? Wu Senlin's face was serious and his eyes looked at their performance without blinking. "Go on," he said. Xiao _ Shuo txt Tian'tang Chapter 429, begin to fight back! Chapter 429, begin to fight back! Wu Senlin is not a fool. Of course he knows it's a real fight. However, as a film maniac, he deeply knows how precious the scenes that are being admitted are. Is there any movie shooting that can have such wonderful fighting scenes? Is there any actor who is willing to fight with people like this? Now, he has met two crazy people. As it happens, he is also such a madman. Wu Senlin is naturally the biggest on the whole set. He said go on, and that can only go on. Tork Jackson, worried, ran over and said, "Director, we can't let them fight any more.". This situation is too bad-it will hurt. Someone will get hurt. He saw that Tang Chong was taking a personal revenge. Just now, on the surface, I said I would forget it, but as soon as I turned around, I began to retaliate. Hatred doesn't stay overnight. Zhang Hepburn's face was smiling, thinking that Tang Zhong still liked himself. Although he said that he was "courteous and modest", he was not "courteous and modest" at all. A Ken did nothing, and looked at Tang Zhong's performance with his hands full of infatuation. That's cool. Such a man is a pure man. "Ka-" Feeling that the lens was enough, Wu Senlin reluctantly shouted the slogan to stop. As a result, the staff immediately rushed over and separated Tang Zhong and the bomb who had been beaten together. Towels were sent, mineral water was sent, and potions were sent. Tang Zhong also pretended that he had been punched twice by the bomb. After all, the plot needs it. Tork Jackson ran over, hugged the bomb and asked in a hurried English voice,Theobromine Powder, "David, how are you?"? How are you feeling? Are you hurt? David shook his head, just staring fiercely at Tang Zhong.


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