This article is sponsored Diablo 4 Gold by Bingle

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This article is sponsored Diablo 4 Gold by Bingle

This article is sponsored Diablo 4 Gold by Bingle.

Unlike a high-performance race car, Bingle’s online service portal is easy to use, any time, any place, 24/7. With an emphasis on safety, Bingle thought it would put some gamers to the test, to see how safe their driving techniques stacked up.

Who better to rise to this challenge than The Chiefs, Australia’s leading esports team? After duking it out in two previous rounds, Bingle’s “Change the Game” challenge has made a three-point turn into round three with Gran Turismo 7 and the last shot at proving who can be the safest driver.

Gran Turismo 7, the latest installment in the long-running track racing franchise, is a game focused on amassing a huge collection of cars from different decades and taking them on races across the globe. While players normally work their way through a career mode to buy some sports cars or prototype supercars, The Chiefs are sticking with the safest vehicles imaginable in an effort to stay safe while challenging each other.

Much like the last two rounds, a demerit system is at play for each challenger. Both JackoGFreak and Cripsy attempt to finish multiple laps without gaining points while also racing to come in at the highest place possible. Both will be doing their best to avoid any #MulletMadness this time around.

If you hit a car during the race? Add 10 points. If you crash? 20 points. In fact, the only way to actually lose points is to win the race, meaning all mistakes are more costly than ever. Here is how the grading system will work:Iridikron in Dawn of the Infinite megadungeon in Patch 10.1.5
Image via Blizzard Entertainment.

While you’re chilling in Zaralek Cavern with Drogbar and Loamm Niffen, Blizzard Entertainment is cooking up Patch 10.1.5 for you to enjoy. Patch 10.1.5 will bring a new Evoker spec, megadungeon Dawn of the Infinite, and Time Rift events, but there are plenty of secrets Blizzard is hiding in Patch 10.1.5 that were leaked.

So far, the Patch 10.1.5 leaks have shown new cosmetics, transmogs, mounts, pets, and traditional features coming to World of Warcraft Dragonflight. But, other than traditional features, WoW players can expect to revisit iconic raid Naxxramas and dungeon Scholomance, and possibly even once again hold historic weapons Frostmourne and Seschenal in their hands.

If you’re as excited about the “timey-wimey” adventures Diablo 4 items in Patch 10.1.5 as I am, and can’t wait to finally face Galakrond, here’s every hidden gem and leaked feature in Patch 10.1.5.

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