Breast Implant Lawsuits Updates

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Breast implant lawsuits are litigations filed against breast implant manufacturers like Allergen Inc. and Dow Corning. The plaintiffs in the lawsuits are women who had received breast implants for breast augme

A cosmetic treatment called breast implantation involves inserting prosthesis surgically inside the breasts. Breast implant lawsuits arise because of breast implant side effects reported in women who had received the implants. Breast implants filled with sterile saline are hollow silicone implants known as saline implants. Saline can be prefilled or added when the implant is being placed. They come in different sizes and have either smooth or textured shells.

The silicone outer shell of silicone breast implants is filled with silicone gel. They come in a variety of sizes with either smooth or rough shells, and their consistency is similar to that of a gummy bear gel. The majority of women prefer silicone breast implants because they are more comfortable and natural-feeling.

The safety of breast implants and the procedure depends upon the quality of the product implanted, age and health condition of the patient and efficiency of the procedure.

Several different symptoms that appear after obtaining breast implants are referred to as breast implant sickness (BII). BII is also called autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA). Any type of breast implant, whether it has a smooth surface, a textured surface, a round shape, or a teardrop shape, can cause BII.

Breast Implant–Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma, also known as BIA-ALCL is a rare lymphoma affecting women with breast implants. A small percentage of individuals with textured breast implants are reported to develop BIA-ALCL.

Leading saline and silicone breast implant producer Allergan Inc. is being sued frequently for product responsibility. The company announced a global recall for many brands of its Biocell textured breast implants in July 2019 in response to the FDA's request to stop the product's sale in the country. In June 2021, a state court in New Jersey ruled that Allergan must answer the accusations made against them in a consolidated class action lawsuit.

The US District Court for the District of New Jersey's presiding judges, Hon. Brian R. Martinotti, USDJ, and Hon. Edward S. Kiel, USMJ, consolidated the Allergan Biocell textured breast implant products liability litigation into MDL No. 2921. The harmed implant has filed hundreds of lawsuits. Despite the FDA recall, neither Allergan nor the FDA are advising women who have Biocell® breast implants to have them replaced or removed.

Another manufacturer of breast implants involved in a lawsuit over implant-related side effects is Dow Corning. Numerous plaintiffs claimed that the firm was concealing information about the dangers of the silicone used in its breast implants back in 1995.

The plaintiffs had a wide range of health issues, including implant rupture, hardening of the breast tissue, and incapacitating conditions that resembled autoimmune diseases like lupus. The victims have brought several breast implant rupture lawsuits against Dow Corning.

Dow Corning established a $3.2 billion breast implant settlement fund in response to the legal claims made by the impacted women.




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