Quickface makes refacing easy !

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Quickface Makes Refacing Easy !

FI14M manual flange facer is absloutly a special repair machine tool in the market with its light but robust body and no power required design.

Quickface Makes Refacing Easy !


FI14M manual flange facer is absloutly a special repair machine tool in the market with its light but robust body and no power required design. 


The Manual Flange Facer FI14M is rugged, compact and ideal for quickly reconditioning rusty, scarred or worn flange gasket seats to like-new condition in minutes. This easy to operate flange facing tool is perfect for re-facing raised-face and flat-faced flanges on site or in a fabrication/repair shop. The FI14M Flange Facer has a clamping range from 1.07" to 10.63"锛�27.2-270mm锛�and can machine flanges with a reach up to 14"锛�355.6mm锛� O.D. The MT proprietary clamping system is simple to configure and designed for fast set up with accurate alignment. Cutting bits are double sided, long-lasting, and specially formed to cut through a wide variety of material including carbon steel, stainless steel, alloyed steel, aluminum and cast iron. Each tool kit comes ready to use in a sturdy carrying case that keeps everything conveniently organized and readily accessible. 



As a flange facing machine manufacturer, MT Portable Machines Co.,Ltd has extensive experience in machining flange faces based on decades of experience in the field of portable machine tools. For more information about flange facing machines,please contact  info@mtportable.com 

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