Upgrade to God

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Upgrade to GodUpgrade to GodUpgrade to GodUpgrade to God

Chen Feng secretly rejoiced, fortunately, the old and the new were by his side, otherwise the golden cicada's way of shedding its shell really could not succeed. Thinking of this, Chen Feng looked at the cracked soul in his waist, then smiled, and his figure sank into the darkness and rushed forward again. Little doll, what are you going to do mysteriously? The old and new voices of some surprise rang in Chen Feng's ears. Hey, you'll know when you get there! Chen Feng smiled softly, but did not answer, and continued to walk in the vast forest. Old and new helplessly shook his head, Chen Feng this boy is really strange tight, often do something they can not understand, but the old and new are not in a hurry, anyway, he is around him, what he does, he will know. Two hours later, rows of low houses appeared in front of Chen Feng. Under the moonlight, these houses looked shabby and shabby. Compared with the luxurious atmosphere of the inner courtyard, there was a world of difference. The new and old are even more puzzled, do not know what Chen Feng came here to do, but Chen Feng's eyes burst out ferocious Li Mang, some people owe the debt, it is time to pay back. Zhang Qiang was very depressed recently. He never thought that Chen Feng, who was not amazing in appearance, would be chosen by the dean and become a disciple. Although depressed, but Zhang Qiang is not afraid of Chen Feng, because behind him,ultrasonic dispersing machine, but there is a once-in-a-century genius of Tianyun Gate, Luzhong support, even if Chen Feng wants to deal with himself, also want to think about the consequences. Today, like every day, Zhang Qiang finished his simple work and went back to the small wooden room to rest, but somehow, he always felt as if something was going to happen, and he was always restless. After tossing and turning for a long time, Zhang Qiang finally had a little sleepiness and went to sleep in a daze. But I do not know how long, Zhang Qiang body a cold,ultrasonic generator driver, suddenly felt as if someone stood beside his bed, Zhang Qiang frightened, suddenly opened his eyes, toward the bedside swept, only to see the bedside, a man dressed in black is looking at himself coldly, his slightly raised mouth, unexpectedly like a sickle, let Zhang Qiang's whole body blood instant coagulation. Chen, Chen Feng? Zhang Qiang's eyes widened in horror, and then he wanted to shout, but before he could make a sound, there was a sharp pain on his forehead. Zhang Qiang's eyes were black and he fainted. Chen Feng looked at Zhang Qiang, who was fat on the bed, with hatred in his eyes. Then he clipped him with his hand. Zhang Qiang was caught in his armpit by Chen Feng like a chicken. Chen Feng stepped on one foot and flew out of the room, heading for a distant place. In the mountain crevice, Zhang Qiang, Xu Gouzi, and Zhang Heng, the steward of the sundry yard, ultrasonic spray nozzle ,ultrasonic emulsifying machine, reclined on the ground one after another. Chen Feng watched the three men quietly, and then slowly drew out his rapier. At this time, the red sun is rising, the morning glow is all over the sky, and a wisp of red awn runs straight down from the top of the mountain crevice, making the whole mountain crevice blood-red. Deep in the mountain crevice, flowers and plants grow, fragrant, emitting strange red under the reflection of the red clouds, a gust of wind poured into the bottom of the mountain crevice, blood-like flowers and plants swing violently, as if they also felt the anger of Chen Feng, dancing with the burning flame of Chen Feng. Little doll, what are you doing with these rubbish? The old and the new floated out of the crack soul and looked at Chen Feng with great interest. Ask them to collect the debt! Chen Feng Yin Yin a smile, in the eyes of killing wild surge. Oh New and old laugh, with his experience, of course, know that these people must have offended Chen Feng, but he does not understand, in terms of Chen Feng's strength, how dare these people offend him. Chen Feng ignored the old and new surprised expressions, raised a bloodthirsty smile at the corners of his mouth, and walked step by step toward the three of them. I wish you all a happy New Year's Day. By the way, I would like to publicize Xiaofan's old book "Wuhuan of Xuanhuan". This old book is Xiaofan's first book. The front is somewhat unsatisfactory, but please believe Xiaofan. The back is quite good. Er, this book is rather obscene. Don't enter if you don't like it ~! Volume I Chapter 59 Debt Collection (II) Chapter 59 Debt Collection (2) "Ah ~" a shrill roar suddenly sounded, and a scarlet blood arrow pierced the sky, which was particularly eye-catching in the morning sun. Wang Heng was suddenly awakened by a sharp pain, he screamed, clenched his teeth and subconsciously touched his left arm, but within reach, there was only great pain and gurgling blood. Wang Heng endured severe pain and looked ahead, but before he could see the man clearly, the sword flashed in front of him, and the other arm was cut off and flew into the sky. Ah ~ "Wang Heng roared again, he rolled painfully on the ground, blood poured into his body like a fountain, instantly mixed with the soil on the ground, looking ferocious and horrible.". Zhang Qiang and Xu Gouzi were awakened by Wang Heng's shrill screams. They shivered at the same time. Then they looked at Zhang Qiang and saw that Zhang Qiang had been cut into a stick in the roar. The man who cut off Wang Heng's hands and feet was coming towards them step by step with a faint smile. Chen, Chen Feng? So it's you, dog # #. Do you want to die? See the bearer, two people first one Leng, then seem to think of what, suddenly wake up, at the same time courage is also a few minutes. In their impression, Chen Feng has always been a waste, although they do not know what method Chen Feng used to stun several people, but the long-standing sense of superiority, immediately gained the upper hand. After Chen Feng beheaded Wang Heng, he ignored him and let him roll on the ground, waiting for the arrival of death. Although he was in the sundry yard, Wang Heng also repeatedly insulted himself, but mostly in words, this time he caught him, but also on the way, since he did not leave one. Want to die? I really want you to die! Chen Feng, dressed in a black robe, walked toward the two men with a smile, but the soft smile on his face and the bloody sword made people look so incongruous. Chen Feng, you want to ***ing die! Xu Gouzi's tall and thin body suddenly stood up, a pair of triangular eyes, like a poisonous snake staring at Chen Feng, shooting out the flame of envy and jealousy. Since Chen Feng entered the mountains,ultrasonic dispersion machine, Xu Gouzi has found a kind of pleasure that he has never had before. Whenever he is in a bad mood or wants to have some fun, Chen Feng is the object of his catharsis. In his heart, Chen Feng is just a tool for people to have fun and vent their anger. fycgsonic.com


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