Jinjiang VIP 2019-01 "I am immune to Meng Po Tang" by Yu Yi

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Jinjiang VIP 2019-01 "I am immune to Meng Po Tang" by Yu Yi

Mochow tilted her head and looked at the two men, flirting a little. But no matter how big her heart is, she has no leisure time to do the work of keeping the matchmaker and pulling the fiber. She turned to look at Guang Han. "Go ahead and be safe." Guang Han disappeared without a trace in a twinkling of an eye, so startled that his chin was about to hit his feet. Only then did Qiu Zhiyao, who was half a beat slow, understand what this group of people were worried about. He blushed with shame and his neck was thick. No matter how Su La teased him, he kept silent and went to sulk secretly. After Guang Han was hurt by Mochow that day, he had been thinking about Mochow's obsession and felt more and more strange. For a long time, Guang Han knew that he was made of plants and trees, and could not give birth to the seven orifices of human beings, so he did not force himself to think about what he had or did not have. But Mochow is not something, she is Guang Han's only concern in this world, he can not avoid it. Spirit practice is different from human practice, and Guanghan's path of practice is quite smooth, even to a strange extent. He did not understand why Mochow often went crazy, but he probably concluded that her mood was unstable, and once she was provoked, she was easily out of control. If she can't find Xie Qingming, or if she finds Xie Qingming dead, will she lose control again? Guang Han seemed to have used up all the brains he had used for hundreds of years at this moment,outdoor ficus tree, and for the first time, he, who had always been heartless, experienced the feeling of anxiety. It was also the first time that he sincerely hoped that Xie Qingming would be safe. Guang Han hid himself and shuttled through the labyrinth-like stockade. He had not been out of Qiu's house, so he did not know what the houses outside should look like, and he was not surprised to see the rather spectacular Shuizheng's lair. It's just that there are so many rooms that it's not very convenient to find them. Guang Han went in one by one and saw that the whole Shuizheng Church was like a complete small society. Everyone lived and worked in an orderly way. The only difference from outsiders was that everyone was thin and ugly. Unconsciously, Guang Han walked to the back hill. There are many ancient trees here, and even in winter,outdoor ficus tree, the leaves have fallen off, but the crisscross branches still make the forest look particularly dense. Guang Han's unique intuition as a tree spirit told him that there should be something unusual here. Sure enough, as he had expected, he went up the steps along the path between the woods, and behind the old trees was a dilapidated small house. The eaves of the house were low, so low that if Guang Han turned into a human form, he would knock his head. The door panels and window frames creaked and swayed in the wind, the doorway was covered with weeds, and the stone slabs were somewhat damaged. But in such a dilapidated small house, it was cleaned spotlessly, with two colorful clay statues, and unburned incense in the incense burner in front of the statues. It seems that this is a small temple, and this idol is often worshipped. Guang Han stepped forward and looked at the two idols carefully. One of them was quite tall, with red hair, artificial plant wall panels ,silk ficus tree, a snake tail and an iron arm. His eyes were round and staring, his figure was burly, his hand held a long knife, and his expression was dignified and inviolable. Guang Han looked at him, even if it was only a clay statue, but also felt a strong sense of oppression. The other idol is relatively small in size, but it can also be seen that it is of the same race. The lower part of the body is still a snake body, but the upper part of the body is different, is nine staggered heads, look different, but a top of the ferocious. Some seemed to have just swallowed a mountain, some had black mucus in their mouths, some laughed eerily, and some had fangs, as if they were going to eat people. Guang Han did not know what was so terrible about his spirit, but unconsciously felt a chill. Guang Han shook his head in disgust. This Shuizhengjiao is really a strange place. Even the statues worshipped are so strange. Guang Han was not proficient in ancient books, did not know who the two worshiped were, did not know why the temple was so low, and had other important matters to delay. He decided to run away quickly and go to find Pure Brightness Xie. When he saw Mochow for a while, he would let Mochow distinguish. But he did not know that after the ruins, a pair of gloomy eyes were staring at him who had not been transformed, and a strange and satisfied smile appeared on his plain face. The author has something to say: I went to class for a whole day, and I came back to write it in the evening. I just finished it. After New Year's Day, I'm going to open a new article. It's also an old saying. It's called "Little Empress". It talks about a dandy girl who grows up to be a pillar of protecting the country. If you are interested, you can go and order it in advance. Love you. Chapter 72 probing. Guang Han went round and round in the stockade, but he didn't see Xie Qingming's whereabouts. Could it be that he had been transferred? Guang Han searched nervously and thought to himself how to tell Mochow. Just then, Guang Han suddenly felt a sticky fishy smell coming from the ground, not very clear, but really disgusting. Guang Han, relying on the elves'own powerful perception, followed the taste all the way to explore, and suddenly saw a small vent as big as a book, which was dark and could not see anything clearly. But it is certain that the stench is coming from here. Guang Han hid his figure and carefully explored along the secret passage. The vent was dirty and cramped, and the dust hanging on the two walls was enough to block the passage. Guang Han can only be calm, on the one hand, he wants to abandon the five senses, otherwise he will be sick to death by the dirty environment, on the other hand, he dare not do so, he has to follow the smell to understand the maze of many roads. This vent turns, if the width is not the width can not pass, Guang Han suspected that this is some kind of escape secret passage. Who would make an air vent zigzag like that? The brains of Shuizhengjiao people are really not very good. As Guang Han walked farther and farther, the stench became stronger and stronger. At the same time, Guang Han was surprised to find that there were shriveled dead rats and dead black cover worms in the passage. Guang Han has no internal organs. If he had, he would certainly be able to spit out his stomach. Although Guang Han was not transformed,silk ficus tree, he still felt a fear for no reason. This is the instinctive fear of mice and insects as a tree. No matter how strong your cultivation is, no matter how deep your spiritual power is, it is hard to get rid of your nature. Or Turn around and go back. They can't keep Xie Qingming locked up in.. hacartificialtree.com


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