Blood baby Xiu Shen

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Yang Hua found that this time on the list is a beautiful woman in her early twenties, dressed in black tights, outlining her graceful and slender body,

Yang Hua found that this time on the list is a beautiful woman in her early twenties, dressed in black tights, outlining her graceful and slender body, a shawl hair black and shiny, coupled with the elegant ginkgo face, the whole person appears incomparably elegant and gorgeous, noble and generous, giving people a sense of surprise. The captain of the personal guard, Tianwei, reports to the Lord. Yang Hua found that at this time the woman's temperament completely changed, the previous stunning color was instantly covered by an invisible powerful breath. Seeing Yang Hua's doubts, the Queen of Heaven whispered: "Like me, Tianwei is a combination of biological computer and genetic body. It is specially used to protect your safety. Although she looks very delicate, in fact, her fighting capacity can be comparable to that of the immortal king and the demon king in the two realms of immortals and demons." Ignoring Yang Hua's surprised expression, the Queen of Heaven continued to shout: "Finance Minister Wula is out of line." Wula is a man about twenty-five or twenty-six years old. He is about 1.78 meters tall. He is handsome and handsome. Dressed in a high-end suit, he looks gentle and knowledgeable. The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Ulla, reports to the Lord. After Yang Hua returns a gift, whisper: "Do not tell me, he also is biology computer and gene flesh combination." "Not bad,Stainless steel foundry," whispered the Queen of Heaven. Except for Li Wen, the rest of the top officials in the world are all held by intelligent robots. As for the reason, I'll tell you when it's over. In fact, even if the Queen of Heaven does not say, Yang Hua also knows the reason, people's hearts are dangerous, far less than these intelligent robots to master, although some of them have evolved and human beings are not much different,die casting parts, but their minds have always retained to obey the Queen of Heaven and their own orders. The Minister of Resources is out of the line. 。 For a whole day, Yang Hua finally got to know all the top managers in the world. Fortunately, the small divinity was relatively strong, and Yang Hua remembered their names effortlessly. Among the many departments, Yang Hua is most interested in the military factory and the Ministry of Education. The arms factory is obviously the department that produces weapons. According to Miss Meier, who is in charge of the military factory, at this stage, the military factory produces large warships with the ability to fight in the universe. To this Yang Hua still is a bit incomprehensible, ask privately: "The Queen of Heaven, why to want to build so much space battleship?" Have you forgotten your duty? Your responsibility is not limited to the human world. Once the human world is stable, I believe that your next step is the four directions of the upper world. We don't know what the attitude of the Buddhist world and the demon world is now. But the two realms of immortals and demons are extremely ambitious. No matter which one of the two realms rules the five parties, it is an unfortunate thing. In order to crush their ambitions, you must fight in the four directions of the upper world. In a short time, we simply can't cultivate enough powerful warriors to attack the two worlds of immortals and demons. But with the warships I designed, even ordinary humans can drive warships and fight fiercely with immortals. Do you remember the Golden Dragon warship I told you about before I left the human world? Now I have upgraded it in an all-round way. Even the most advanced warship in the fairy world can't compare with its performance. I'll take you to see it when I have time. I'm sure you'll like him. When Yang Hua thinks about it, metal stamping parts ,Magnetic Drain Plug, it is inevitable that he will fight with the two realms of immortals and demons. I believe that as long as the two worlds of immortals and demons know their true identity, they will spare no effort to catch themselves. Speaking of the Ministry of Education, Yang Hua likes it even more. Under the elaborate arrangement of the Queen of Heaven, there are tens of thousands of universities in China. As long as they are school-age children, all of them are free to study. The curriculum is arranged in this way. According to the past custom, the study is divided into four basic stages: kindergarten, primary school, middle school and high school, and four advanced stages: university, researcher, doctor and academician. All children over the age of three in Taiwan will enter kindergarten to develop their intelligence and potential. After two years, they will directly enter primary school to begin learning basic knowledge. At the same time, they will teach students some simple methods of cultivating truth. At the end of primary school, after the examination of the Ministry of Education, according to the different situations of students, they enter professional secondary schools to start new studies. It should be noted that at the stage of primary school to junior high school, the state will select some excellent students to study directly in the institutions directly under the state. For example, those who are talented in cultivating truth will directly enter the Academy of cultivating truth to receive more advanced training, those who are talented in science and technology will enter the Academy of Science and Technology to receive more advanced training in scientific and technological knowledge, and those who are gifted in fighting will directly enter the Ancient Martial Arts Academy to receive training in fighting. The rest are promoted to general colleges and universities to continue their studies. At the same time, after the completion of junior high school, the Ministry of Education will also send people to conduct new examinations to select elites for further study. At this stage of the review process, in addition to the ability of the review, there is also the most important one is the loyalty test, because the world is the first to implement the monarchy, so the loyalty of personnel is very important, especially the elite. Generally speaking, under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, the students who can enter high school are absolutely excellent in both character and learning. The character here is not only their own moral character, self-cultivation, but also loyalty, learning, and naturally all aspects of skills. According to the setting of the Queen of Heaven, the students who enter the university are basically the elite of the elite, which can be said to be the cradle of the middle-level leadership of the country. As for the higher level of researchers, doctors and academicians, the requirements are even stricter, they are absolutely strong in strength and wisdom, but also the most loyal personnel of the country. Days later, didn't you set up a military Academy? After listening to the establishment of the Ministry of Education, Yang Hua was very satisfied, but he did not hear the introduction of the military Academy. The Queen of Heaven smiled mysteriously. She took Yang Hua by the hand and said, "Of course there is a military Academy. It's just that our military Academy is very mysterious. Even the upper echelons of the country don't know about it. I'll accompany you to have a look when it's over, and then you'll know." "Come on, we've been talking all day and we should have dinner." Early in the morning, the rising sun, like a shy girl,non standard fasteners, hangs half-hidden in the eastern sky, scattering a soft glow, embellishing the morning scenery more beautiful.


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