Add On Services | Special Reports

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Add on services are the additional services provided in a medical record review process that enhances the readability and navigation of the review reports.

Add on services enhances the simplicity of medical record review report and helps the attorneys to easily get through the information. Special reports are beneficial in easy navigation and understanding of the medical record review reports in mass torts, medical malpractice, workers’ compensation or personal injury cases.


Bookmarking is one of the important add on services and the major PDF document navigational tool that allow the reader to quickly locate and review the points of focus within the medical record. A point of focus in the medical records can be tagged for easy viewing experience. Bookmarks can be prepared in the following categories based on the user interest:

  • Facility/Provider-wise
  • Chronological Bookmarking
  • Record Type Bookmarking


Original medical records and the final summarized document are merged into a single PDF document thereby allowing reader to access both summary and medical records simultaneously just by clicking on the titles in the summary.

Medical Record Sorting / Organizing / Indexing

PDF sorting is a process of rearranging shuffled pages of clusters of medical records in a sorted and organized manner. Medical record PDFs can be rearranged by Chronological Order or Record type or Facility-wise as per the interest of the attorney or reader.


A feature of Med-a-Word enhances the comprehension of medical terminologies appeared in medical chronologies or narrative summary or deposition transcripts. Definitions will pop-up once the reader hover the mouse over the desired medical terminology.

Missing Record Identification

We are not only reviewing the medical records but also identify the missing records that are pertinent to the case evaluation. Our standard document review captures provider name, date of service, next appointment, medical bills and gaps in treatment which are matched against available records.

Treatment Timeline

A treatment timeline is a graphical representation of a chronological sequence of events. We are capturing all the important occurrences in a chronology. We include components like event name, event date, facility/provider name in a graphical representation in the chart.

Medical Expense Report

Medical bills incurred for the services rendered are sorted in chronological order and expenses are recorded in a separate spreadsheet which includes the details like the date of treatment, treatment provider/facility, types of treatment rendered and expenses incurred.

Pain and Suffering Chart

In a personal injury lawsuit, general damages cover things like pain and suffering, which includes discomfort, physical pain, emotional distress and anxiety due to the effects of the accident and injuries. Pain and suffering chart used to analyze these sufferings and to convince insurance company or defendant attorneys.

The Pain Medication Chart

The pain medication chart is the representation of pain medications used, dosage of pain medicines, conditions were pain medications used, type of pain medicine and any adverse effect to the plaintiff. This may help to determine the seriousness of the injuries sustained by the plaintiff. This Pain Medication chart can also help an attorney determine whether the patient has suffered any injury/adverse effect due to pain medication overdose.

Medical Synopsis

Medical synopsis is a informative overview of the claimant’s medical history in a concise manner. Attorneys can use our Medical Synopsis to learn the medical history of patient, merits and demerits of the case. Medical Synopsis can be add-on part of Medical Chronology or Narrative Summary.




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