Medical Record Review

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For those who are not familiar with medical terminology, analysing and comprehending the information from medical records is a time-consuming process.


Mass tort

We are experts in medical record review and case screening of mass tort cases like PPI’s, Transvaginal Mesh, Essure, Knee/Hip Implants, IVC Filter Stents, etc. We deliver tailored medical chart review for law firms to win their cases.

Personal Injury

Our Expertise in Medical Record Review for personal injury cases include medical chronology, deposition summary, narrative summary, demand letter, medical bill analysis, etc.

Medical Malpractice

Our dedicated team of MDs Legal Nurse Consultants are experts in reviewing medical charts for medical malpractice cases. We provide tailored solutions to fetch key elements from medical chart.

Life Insurance Support

We provide well-organized medical chronologies. Our APS Summarization process reducing significant time cost in life insurance underwriting, disability worker’s compensation claims.

LezDo techmed prepares

Medical Record Review Services for Law Firms

The review and analysis of physician chart review is a very vital part of any personal injury or medical malpractice case. Personal injury attorneys, paralegals, medical-legal consultants, independent medical examiners, qualified medical evaluators, legal nurse reviewers should analyze medical records to understand the facts, causation, and the losses during the time of litigation.

Our add-on services include

  • Treatment Timeline
  • Bookmarking
  • Missing Record Identification
  • Hotlinks or Hyperlinks
  • PDF Sorting or Indexing
  • Pain and Suffering Chart


Tailored Medical Record Review for Attorneys

As a leading medical record review company, we ensure innovative medical summaries for law firms. Medical record review for attorneys entails every bit of vital information from a patient’s chart. Our medical record summaries highlight the important findings that need to fetch attention for further review and analysis.


A never compromised quality made our medical chart review for law firms highlighted best among the Medical Record Review Companies. Our team of experts are highly trained to deliver the most accurate and precise Medical Legal Summaries. Our legal nurse consultant reviews help attorneys across USA. Physician chart review is best filtered with the know-how of the sophisticated human technology as the preparation for medical record review.

Expert MDs Legal Nurses

Our Legal Nurses and Doctors have vast experience in clinical settings as well as in the Medical-Legal Summaries. Our legal nurse consultant reviews simplify the riddles in the physician chart reviews. Medical Record Review by our experts will provide you a snapshot of your cases and will give you a strategy to win. LezDo offers well-organized precise Medical Records Summary Services and medical record review for law firms.

Secured Trusted

Electronic medical records and medical record review for law firms are processed through secured data networks of LezDo techmed. We also have VPN tunnels to retrieve your medical records. This way your data never leaves your office but work done on time. The HIPAA ISO standard work environment at LezDo techmed ensures your data safe and secured. Our security policies enhance our trustful relationship with every single Attorneys we serve.

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