How do I Transfer Multiple Excel contacts to a single Virtual Card file?

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Transfer Multiple Excel contacts to a single Virtual Card file by using free and professional Methods

If you have an Excel file with a lot of contacts, there are some great ways to quickly move Excel to vCard.

I did a lot of study on the internet and found that thousands of people are having trouble changing their Excel contacts to vCard. Also, I saw a few customers who had to export their Excel contacts to an email app. They did this one contact at a time instead of all at once. Actually, this isn't as hard as it looks and can be done with just a few clicks. That's the mystery I need to answer today.

Some of you may be wondering...HOW?

This post will answer all of your questions about how to convert an Excel file to a VCF file. It will also give you a quick overview of what Excel and vCard are.

Allow us to begin!

What does an Excel file mean?

A spreadsheet is a group of one or more pages that put information in rows and columns. Text, names, and other types of digital data can all be worked with in these files. These sheets have many formulas that can be used to convert important numbers that are put in blocks or cells. Excel works with and makes files like CSV, ODS, OTS, FODS, UOS, XLSX, XLS, XLSM, XLSB, HTML, TSV, and SLK. This is what an Excel file looks like -

What does a vCard file mean?

A lot of address books use the vCard file structure. It's a.vcf virtual business card that makes it easy to save, view, and send contact information. A person's name, location, phone number, email address, URL, photos, audio clips, and other information are all on a vCard. A lot of different apps can open vCard and VCF files, and they can be opened on both Windows and Mac computers. As examples, Windows Contacts, Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora, Androids, Apple Address Book, and other apps can do this.


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Why should I use a vCard instead of an Excel file?

There are some problems with Excel files, even though they are one of the most common ways to store and organize huge amounts of data.

Some examples are -

There is no way for us to share a single friend through email or other apps. You can, however, make a single vCard for each friend and quickly send it to any email client or program.

When you save your contacts as Excel files, Microsoft Excel and a few other limited third-party tools are the only ways to get to them. On the other hand, vCard files work well with many email programs, devices, and apps, and the best part is that you can view them from any operating system.

vCard files are usually very small, while Excel files are usually very big. So, you don't have to worry about file size when you send vCards attached to emails.

How do I save my Excel contacts as a vCard file?

Right now, the most important thing to talk about is how to convert Excel contacts to vCard. To sum up, there are two ways to move contacts from Excel to a vCard file format: one is done by hand, and the other is done automatically. To keep data loss to a minimum, it is recommended that the steps be carefully and methodically followed.

Method 1: Export Excel to vCard by hand

You can use Windows to convert contacts from an Excel file to a vCard, but keep in mind that this won't let you make a single VCF file with all of your Excel contacts. You will then get a certain number of vCards, which will rely on how many Excel contacts you have.

This method will take a lot of time and may be hard for some of you. You can use the second method if this is the case.

Step 1: Move your Excel file to a CSV file.

You can skip this step and go straight to step two if your contacts are already in a CSV file. Here are the steps you need to take if you saved your contacts in a file type other than.xls,.ods, etc.

1. Open your Excel file and click on Offline.
Move the mouse to Save As > Other Formats.
3. Select a place to save the CSV file.
4. Save this file as Text CSV (*.csv).

After that, your Excel file will be convertd to a CSV file.

Step 2: Add CSV file to Windows Contacts.

To convert friends from Excel to vCard, open the CSV file in Windows friends. How to do it -

1. To begin, go to the Start menu and choose Contacts.
2. Choose the "Import" button.
3. Pick CSV (Comma Separated Values).
4. Choose Import and then Browse.
5. Pick out the CSV file on your machine.
6. Next, make a map of all the fields.
7. Press the Finish button to finish.

When the process is done, you will see that all of your CSV contacts are saved in Windows Contacts as vCards.

Step 3: From Windows Contacts, save the vCard file.

Lastly, you need to export vCard contacts from Windows. Here are the steps you need to take to do that -

1. Hold down the Ctrl key and select all the names you need.
2. From the Export menu, choose vCards (a folder of.VCF files).
3. Click the "Export" button and choose where you want to save the vCard.
4. Click the OK button.

After that, you'll see that all of your CSV contacts have been saved in Windows Contacts as vCards. After that, you can use an email client that works with vCards or other programs to import and view these vCards.

Method 1: Transfer Multiple Excel files to single vCard files – Automatically

As long as you don't lose any data, Softaken Excel to vCard Converter can convert an unlimited number of Excel contacts to vCard files. You can turn your contacts into one or more vCards, no matter what name the Excel file they were saved in has.

Here are the steps to convert contacts from Excel to vCard -

1. Make sure the software is installed correctly on any Windows PC.
2. Click the Browse button to choose an Excel XLS or XLSX file.

excel to vcard home 
3. Look at a sample of a contact in an Excel file and link it to vCard fields. Click the Export button at the top left of the screen.

vcard preview 
4. "Export vCard as a single file" is shown as an option.
5. Click Browse and find the place where you want to save the vCard file.

export excel to vcard 
6. Click Export vCard now to start the convert.

After the Excel contacts to vCard conversion is done, you can use a number of desktop and web-based email programs, cloud platforms, Android, iOS, and other devices to import and read these vCard files.

Key Features -

Save the Excel file as a VCF file, which will include all of the contact details.
Use an Excel spreadsheet to look over and scan names.
Convert contacts from XLS or XLSX to VCF without using Microsoft Excel. All of your contacts must be in a single VCF file.
This tool can be used to map Excel columns to vCard fields. A big Excel file can be convertd to vCard format.

Last words

If you don't want your contacts to go unconscious in your Excel files, quickly move Excel to vCard. We'll show you how to convert Excel to VCF without any tools in this post. We also talked about the automatic process for people who don't want to do things by hand.

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