Maangoal is a type of medicine a high branded Maangoal Ayurveda provided in liquid form . Maangoal Diabetic friendly is an Ayurvedic type of medicine available to cure different type of diseases.
Maangoal Health Drink makes bones and teeth strong and powerful. Maangoal Uses has the power to fight against diseases like cancer. Maangoal Health Drink benefits is it provides good energy support to strengthening your body strong.
Maangoal Health Drink Diabetic Friendly contains rich amounts of Vitamin A, C, F and B folic acid which is very beneficial for hair and eyes. Maangoal Health Drink is a complete health drink for the whole family which can fulfill the lack of nutritional deficiency.
MyRecharge Ayurveda offering Maangoal, product in different quantities at reasonable price which is very helpful and gives fitness to your inner feelings. Maangoal Ayurveda gives good relax for your brain
The latest Price mark available for Maangoal Health Drink
Net Weight Cost
400ML Rs.899.00
1000ML Rs.2400.00
My Recharge Helpline:
01-41-7101777, 01-41-4624999
Email: [email protected]