Email IMAP, POP3, and SMTP Server Settings

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1and1 Cox Email and want to setup a third-party client with Cox Email settings, you’ve come to the right place. The most significant settings are for IMAP, SMTP, and POP/POP3.
So, without further ado, let’s get started. Please keep in mind that these Cox email server settings should helpful while configuring Cox on desktop or other devices. email settings for IMAP, POP, and SMTP are shown below for your convenience.
Cox Email IMAP Configuration
Please follow the instructions below to configure cox net Email IMAP settings:
  1. Sign in to your Cox Email account.
    Open settings and choose Account Type.
    chosen Imap in the account type field.
    Enter Cox’s email address as the username.
    Enter your email account password in the password field. should be the server’s hostname.
    993 should be provided in the Server Port field.
    Enter ‘Yes’ in the ‘required authentication’ box.
  2. Select ‘Yes’ in the SSL/TLS field.
Cox Email SMTP Configuration
Please follow the steps below to configure Cox email SMTP settings:
  1. The account type should be SMTP.
    Enter your COX Email address as the username.
    In the password dialogue box, enter your Cox Email id password. should be entered as the ‘server hostname.’
    Enter 587 as the server port number.
    If you require login, check the ‘Require Authentication’ box.
  2. For SSL/TLS, choose ‘Yes’.
Cox Email POP3 Configuration
When configuring Cox using POP settings, there are a few things to note; here’s a few of them.
  1. There might be a difficulty with syncing across several devices.
  2. It is advised that you back up your settings and emails.
To setup your Cox using POP settings, follow these steps:
  1. Login to your Cox account.
    Open settings.
    Select POP from the ‘account type’ panel.
  2. Where it says ‘,’ the entering POP port should be 995.
Now, depending on the encryption type you’re using, provide one of the following numbers in the outgoing SMTP port number:-
  1. The value of the port number for TLS or SSL should be 587.
  2. For SSL-based encryption, the port number should be 587, and the authentication option should be checked.
1are certain that after reading this article, you will have no problem setting up your Cox email account. If you have any problems, please contact us
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