How to Use Python to Automate the Website IP Address Finder Process

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Knowing the IP address of a website can be vital for tasks like website monitoring, security auditing, or domain analysis. Developers often need to automate these tasks, ensuring efficiency in larger workflows. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by using Python, a versatile language for scripting automation processes.

We’ll walk you through automating the website IP address lookup process using Python. You’ll learn how to build a script that fetches the IP address of any website, and we’ll also explore how to extend this basic script for large-scale automation purposes.

Why Automate the Website IP Address Lookup?

Manually checking the IP address of a website can be time-consuming, especially when dealing with multiple domains. Automation helps by:

  • Saving time: Instead of looking up each website individually, a script can perform this task for hundreds of domains in seconds.
  • Improving accuracy: Automated processes reduce the likelihood of human error.
  • Optimizing workflows: Automating this task can easily be integrated into other network monitoring or auditing tools.

With Python's robust libraries and community support, automating the website IP address lookup process is straightforward and scalable for all types of projects.


Before we start, make sure you have the following:

  1. Python Installed: If you don’t have Python installed, download it from
  2. Basic Python Knowledge: Familiarity with Python’s syntax will be helpful.
  3. Access to Python Libraries: Ensure you can install Python packages through pip.

Step 1: Installing Required Libraries

For this tutorial, we will use Python’s socket module to resolve a website’s domain to its IP address. Additionally, we will use requests and pandas for handling larger-scale data (optional).

Install any required libraries by running the following in your terminal or command prompt:

pip install requests pandas

These libraries will help if you are looking to scale your process or need to handle large datasets of websites.

Step 2: Writing the Python Script

Let’s start by writing a basic script that takes a website’s domain and returns its IP address.

Script to Fetch IP Address of a Website

import socketdef get_ip_address(website_url): try: ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(website_url) print(f'The IP address of {website_url} is: {ip_address}') except socket.gaierror: print(f'Unable to get the IP address of {website_url}')# Example Usagewebsite_url = ''get_ip_address(website_url)


  • socket.gethostbyname(): This function takes a website domain name as input and returns its corresponding IP address.
  • Error Handling: We’ve added a try-except block to catch any potential errors (e.g., invalid domain names).

When you run this script, it will output the IP address of or any website you input.

Output Example:

The IP address of is:

Expanding to Multiple Websites

To automate the process for multiple websites, you can modify the script to handle a list of domains.

websites = ['', '', '']for website in websites: get_ip_address(website)

This simple loop will output the IP addresses of each website in the list.

Step 3: Automating with a List of Websites

Let’s take this one step further by automating the process with a file input. This can be particularly useful when you need to process a large number of websites. You can save all website domains in a .txt or .csv file and use Python to read and process them.

Script to Automate IP Lookup for Multiple Websites from a File:

import socketimport pandas as pddef get_ip_address(website_url): try: return socket.gethostbyname(website_url) except socket.gaierror: return 'IP Not Found'def process_websites(file_path): # Reading the list of websites from a CSV file websites_data = pd.read_csv(file_path) # Adding a new column to store IP addresses websites_data['IP Address'] = websites_data['Website'].apply(get_ip_address) # Saving the results to a new CSV file websites_data.to_csv('website_ip_addresses.csv', index=False) print('IP addresses have been saved to website_ip_addresses.csv')# Example usagefile_path = 'websites_list.csv'process_websites(file_path)


  1. pandas: The pandas library is used to read and write CSV files efficiently.
  2. get_ip_address(): This function takes a domain and returns its IP address.
  3. apply() function: This method applies the get_ip_address() function to every website in the CSV.
  4. Output: The script will generate a new CSV file with the website domain and its corresponding IP address.

Example CSV Input (websites_list.csv):


Output CSV (website_ip_addresses.csv):



You now have a fully automated script that fetches the websites IP address for one or multiple domains. This can easily be integrated into larger workflows where monitoring or auditing a domain's IP address is essential. By leveraging Python and its libraries, you can scale this process to handle hundreds of websites, optimizing your workflow.

Extensions & Use Cases

While this is a basic tutorial, you can extend it by:

  • Building a Web Scraper: Automatically scrape websites to extract their domains and then find their IP addresses.
  • Integrating with APIs: Use services like or for enriched IP information such as geolocation, ASN, or organization details.
  • Monitoring and Alerts: Set up alerts to notify you when a website’s IP address changes, which can be crucial for network security.

By automating the process of finding a website IP address, developers can focus on more critical tasks while ensuring the accuracy and efficiency of their workflows. Whether you’re in web development, cybersecurity, or network administration, Python’s versatility makes it an excellent tool for automating IP lookup processes.


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