The Australian Titan was discovered

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A giant unknown species of dinosaur 30 meters long and 6.5 meters high that lived in Australia was discovered by experts of two museums on the island continent. The last 10-15 years have seen a major revolution in the field of paleontology.

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The rapid development of technology and the development of new methods of identifying fossils and finds in combination with the ongoing funding of excavations constantly bring to light the fossils of unknown dinosaur species. New aspects are also revealed about the anatomical or biological characteristics of dinosaurs that we knew existed but also about the way they lived.

At the same time all these new technologies and methods have allowed experts to open drawers and warehouses where are archived and in many cases completely forgotten thousands of dinosaur fossils discovered from the late 19th century until very recently but it has not been possible to identify their. With the help of the new tools at their disposal, scientists are discovering the origin of the unknown fossils.

This was also the case with the fossils discovered in Australia in 2007 which were decided to be studied by experts from the Eromanga Museum of Natural History and the Queensland Museum. The fossils were found to belong to an unknown species of dinosaur called the "Australotitan cooperensis" and is the largest dinosaur to set foot in Australia. The dinosaur nicknamed the "southern titan" lived on the island continent 96 million years ago, was 30 meters long, 6.5 meters high and weighed 74 tons.

"To be sure that this was a new species we had to compare its fossils with those of all the large dinosaurs that have been found in Australia and worldwide. It was a time-consuming and painstaking effort, "said Scott Hocknall, a paleontologist at the Queensland Museum who led the study.

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