7 Tips for Playing Pickleball Like a Pro

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This will help you stay in the point longer and improve your game!

It is important to hit the ball low in pickleball. This will make it harder for your opponents to attack and keep you in the point longer.

Get to the kitchen line as soon as possible and play deep into your opponent’s side to minimize their angles. This will help you stay in the point longer and improve your game!

1. Keep Your Feet Moving

One of the most underrated skills in pickleball is footwork. Many players get so focused on the technical side of the game that they forget to practice their feet and body movement.

In pickleball, you want to be able to move quickly and change direction easily. One way to do this is by staying light on your feet. To do this, keep your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly. This will help you read the game better and move quickly when needed.

Another good way to improve your footwork is by doing ladder drills. To do this, set up an agility ladder on the court and practice shuffles and in-and-outs across it. Perform 3 sets of each drill for 1 minute. This will help you train your feet to move laterally in pickleball and improve your agility.

2. Practice Aiming at the Feet

A high shot can make it difficult to attack, and a low drop can keep your opponents from putting pressure on you. So practice hitting shots that are low enough to cause your rivals to be unable to attack the ball, while still allowing you to score points.

Drives, lobs, and volleys are all key to keeping your opponent off balance. Mastering them all will throw them for a loop, which can open up opportunities to score points.

Another way to keep your opponents off balance is to master the dink fake. This can be a great trick to use if you’re playing against a hard-hitting player. It can be tricky to get this right, but with a little practice you’ll soon have it down pat.

3. Practice Keeping Your Head Up

Keeping your head up is a vital skill in pickleball. It will help you track the ball better and keep your balance. It will also help you see the court better and make smarter decisions.

To practice this, start by serving a few balls to yourself or a friend and then looking at where the ball went. Keep practicing this until you can do it without thinking.

Then, when playing actual games, try to keep your head up as much as possible. This will help you stay in control of the game and won’t make you prone to making mistakes that can cost you points. It will also help you play with a calm mindset when your opponent is better than you.

4. Practice Keeping Your Eyes Open

When you’re playing pickleball, it’s important to keep your eyes open so that you can see where the ball is headed. This way, you’ll be able to react quickly and block any shots that come back at you.

Keeping your eyes open also helps you stay on top of the game. If you’re constantly looking around the room, it can be difficult to know what’s happening on the court.

To help you stay focused, try practicing some pre-match techniques. For example, doing some trunk twists or leg kicks before you play can help get your body limber so that you’re ready to hit the ball right away. This can help you stay on top of the game and increase your chances of winning. Try to make these improvements a habit so that they become second nature.

5. Practice Keeping Your Balance

One of the key factors in playing pickleball is having good footwork. If you’re shuffling all over the place, it will be difficult to hit a good shot. Instead, try to take small, balanced steps and keep your paddle up in front of you. This will help you change directions quickly and will allow you to split step in between shots more easily. Also, try to bend your knees as you take your steps, as this will pre-engage your leg muscles and make it easier to move around the court.

Also, try doing some dynamic warm-ups before playing pickleball. These can include things like trunk twists, lunges, and arm circles. These exercises will help you improve your balance and take your game to the next level.

6. Practice Keeping Your Head Straight

Shot selection is a key component of a winning pickleball game. However, it can be difficult to make the right decision on the fly when you’re on the court. Changing your mind about what shot you’re going to play can throw off your timing and cause you to miss the ball.

The best way to improve your decision-making is to practice it. Try picking out a few shots you know you’ll face frequently and practice thinking about them before the game starts.

As you’re practicing, remember that you can only volley outside of the kitchen line (also known as the non-volley zone). Keep your head up to see where the ball is coming from and plan accordingly. You’ll be much more confident when you know what to expect!

7. Practice Keeping Your Arms Straight

When playing pickleball, it’s important to practice your positioning and movement on the court. Many people who have a tennis background may be used to taking huge swings with their forehands and backhands but those techniques don’t work well on the smaller pickleball court.

Keeping your arms straight can help you keep track of the ball better and prevent you from accidentally hitting it overhand. You’ll want to try to be in a closed, stable position with your chest facing slightly more forward towards the ball.


Try the following SilverSneakers exercises to strengthen and prepare your body for your next game of pickleball. These moves also build strength and power in the back muscles, which can help you stay in control of your shot.

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