Microsoft: The next version of Windows is coming soon

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New opportunities for software and application developers The next version of Windows will be created, which will be one of the most important of the last decade.

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This is at least what Satya Natella, the CEO of Microsoft, said during his opening speech at Build 2021, the annual conference for application developers organized by the American giant, which opened its digital "gates" yesterday.

Mr Natella declined to give details about the next version of Windows, saying only that it would be available very soon and would appeal to any creator "who wants a modern open platform to create and distribute their applications".

However, the head of Microsoft said that he has been using the next version of Windows for a few months and is impressed, creating even greater anticipation among users of the popular operating system, which has 1.3 billion users worldwide.

Many analysts expected that at this year's Build, which is one of the most important appointments of ubiquitous software developers, Microsoft would present the long-awaited next version of Windows. But as Natella's speech showed, the American giant wanted to place more emphasis on providing developers around the world with the tools that will allow them to create more and more innovative applications. "We want to help you create your own innovation" was the characteristic motto of Mr. Natella addressed to the developers who have chosen to connect to this year's online Build, which lasts a total of 3 days.

High demand for developers
The head of Microsoft stressed that software and application developers have played a key role in overcoming the recent health crisis and stressed that the need for developers is constantly growing as more and more industries hire developers. In fact, he pointed out that there are many sectors of the economy where developer recruitment far exceeds that made by digital technology companies, while he added that there was a car industry that hired more software developers last year than engineers!

According to Mr. Natella, technology changes every part of our daily lives and companies are called upon to create their own digital applications and technologies, otherwise they risk being left behind. In practice, the head of Microsoft expressed something that has been much debated in recent months and is that now every business must be a technology company in order to remain competitive.

Tools and platforms
In this context, it is obvious that the need for developers is increasing and at the same time software developers are called to create applications and prepare the ground to meet the challenges of the coming years, which come from the evolution of technology. Microsoft wants to play an important role there, with Natella repeatedly talking about "open platforms".

In practice, Microsoft has abandoned a practice of the past that sought to restrict software developers to its own platforms. It is no coincidence that Mr. Natella particularly referred to the announcement that now those who develop Azure applications are given the opportunity to "run" them in various environments. In general, he pointed out the upgrades that have been made so that software developers can develop applications faster.

Even with the use of artificial intelligence, as Microsoft announced a new feature that utilizes AI in order for some code routines to "self-complete" automatically! A move that is considered to be a solution - albeit limited - to the lack of developers that is observed worldwide.

Overall, the announcements for upgrades and extensions from Microsoft exceed 100 as the goal, as promised by Mr. Natella is "to create more opportunities for developers", who are the ones who create the new reality.

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