cocktail recipes :Fields of Travel

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Green Chartreuse liqueur gives herbal sweetness and sparkling sake makes it fizzy and refreshing in this cocktail at Pagu. “We use healthful, whole ingredients, such zucchini water in the Fields of Travel cocktail,” says Tracy Chang, the chef and owner of the Cambridge, Mass., restaura




  1. Add the Chartreuse liqueur, zucchini water and bitters to a shaker with ice and shake until well-chilled.

  2. Strain into a chilled coupe glass.

  3. Top with the sake.

  4. Garnish with a skewered cucumber ribbon.


*Zucchini water: Process 5 whole zucchinis through a juicer (which should yield 1 quart). Add 1 ounce fresh lime juice, 1 ounce raw cane sugar and 1 barspoon vitamin C powder.

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