NASA wants to go farther and faster for fourth Mars helicopter flight

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NASA wants to go farther and faster for fourth Mars helicopter flight:The fourth flight is scheduled to take off on April 29th at 10:12 AM Eastern.

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When NASA's Ingenuity helicopter completed its third flight in April, its ground team met the last of the three objectives needed to call the technology demo project a success. That's why for its fourth test flight, the Ingenuity team wants to push the machine's performance envelope on Mars by flying farther over more rocks and craters and going faster than it ever had. It's going to happen sooner than later, as well: NASA has announced that the helicopter's fourth flight is scheduled to take off on April 29th at 10:12 AM Eastern time.

The Ingenuity team completed its first objective six years ago when it demonstrated that the helicopter can fly inside a JPL chamber. When Ingenuityflew for the first time on Mars back in April, the team met its second objective. It surpassed its third and last objective when the helicopter flew for 164 feet at a speed of about 4.5MPH and at an altitude of 16 feet during its third flight, so there's nothing else to do but try to beat those numbers.


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