CLNQ is a private medical and aesthetic clinic located in Knutsford. We provide a number of services that include: private GP services; dermatology (skin conditions); mole assessment and removal; bio-identical hormones; health screening; genetic screening; blood tests; private prescriptions; vitamin drips; aesthetics; and cosmetic surgery. | Business Address:49-51, King St, Knutsford WA16 6DX, United Kingdom| Business Phone:+44 1565 362001| House of Operations:10-5 Mon-Fri | Payment Types Accepted: Visa, Mastercard, American Express| Areas Served: Cheshire, Manchester, Liverpool, Knutsford, Northwest, UK| Products Offered: Morpheus8, Hydrafacial, Bioidentical Hormones, Laser Mole Removal, Earlobe Repair, Lip Lift, Facetite, Blepharoplasty, Body Tite, Private GP