End of the world system

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End of the world systemEnd of the world systemEnd of the world system

A stone the size of a washbasin is really not big, but under the action of friction and gravitational acceleration of the earth's atmosphere, its power is no less than that of an ordinary missile. With a trace of gloom on his face, Liu Lang did not notice that the meteorites the size of washbasins and millstones were covered with beetles of all sizes. Zizi The high heat of friction made the mortality rate of the beetle reach almost 100%, but there were always one or two fish that escaped the net and survived the high heat. When the meteorite fell to the ground, the huge impact force hit a deep hole in the ground and then stopped. The quiet meteorite did not go on like this. Under the dense wrapping of hundreds of thousands of beetles, a fist-sized beetle slowly crawled out of hundreds of dead bodies in the insect sea, and then its strong limbs slid on the ground, and then crawled out of the pit. Of course, this scene was still not discovered by the people in the command room. The high speed of the meteorite and the red color of the beetle were the same as the color of the burning meteorite, so even if they saw the shaking of the meteorite, they thought they had an illusion. Like rain, meteorites come, first scattered, then dense, and finally torrential rain. "Boom" The arrival of the meteorite finally caused a change in the weather, the original rolling black clouds have shown a trace of bright color, after the lightning is rain. Mixed with rain, meteorites continued to fall all over the sky. "Hum" The constant bombardment of meteorites made the surface of the base shake from time to time, and a trace of nervous anger filled people's hearts again. Chief,smart interactive whiteboard, the number and volume of meteorites have increased significantly. "In front of the display, the operating soldiers are reporting quickly." To what extent? Liu Lang's face showed a trace of seriousness. The meteorites are one meter in diameter, twice as many as they were just now, and five to six times as powerful and destructive as they were at the beginning. "After a short calculation, the soldiers gave an accurate answer in the air." Five to six times? Slowly murmuring, the gloom on Liu Lang's face became more and more intense, and the destructive power of the meteorites had somewhat exceeded his expectations. The No.1 force output port launched an air-to-air missile,interactive whiteboard prices, and those with a diameter of more than one meter were all in the strike range. "After a moment's meditation, Liu Lang ordered the soldiers on one side." "Hearing Liu Lang's voice, the soldier answered hurriedly, and his finger turned on the communication system, and a message was sent out immediately." Firepower outlet number one, target, meteorite with a diameter of more than one meter. The soldier's clear voice rang in everyone's ears. Receive Outside the base, a fire port slowly opened, and with the opening of the trajectory, a small anti-air missile began to fire. The sharp air explosion followed the meteorite in the sky. Ammunition, meteorites, high-altitude intersection The scattered debris then scattered to one side. Under the attack of the missile, the meteorite broke through smoothly. The tension in the room suddenly eased, the remarkable effect of firepower output made people's eyes begin to firm up, facial recognition thermometer ,face recognition identification, and confidence in avoiding meteorites began to grow. Kaka "" The opening of the door sounded in the ears of the people, and Jin Shu's plain face appeared again in the sight of the people. Tread At the moment of body movement, several figures appeared again. Black tights, strong physique, uniform movements, a unique temperament immediately emanated from several people. Chief, the man is coming. Walking quickly beside Liu Lang, Jin Shu pressed Liu Lang's ear and whispered. Well, Liu Lang took one look at Jin Shu and then put his eyes on the man. Vigorous physique does not say, rich killing skills do not say, just this cold to the bone inside the temperament let Liu Lang face show a satisfied look. For the origin of these people, Liu Lang is very clear, in the end of the world, there are always some lucky people, while others are still struggling, they have been strengthened through mutation and adventure. And the people in front of us are the so-called lucky ones. This man is a lieutenant colonel of the military region, just defected to the army, personal strength is strong, I hope you can help to eradicate him, "Liu Lang export is to eradicate, obviously did not let Ye Su survive.". After all, killing a person is much easier than capturing a person alive, Liu Lang does not want to cause unnecessary death in the matter of Ye Su. The leader obviously did not feel abrupt because Liu Lang opened his mouth and proposed to kill people. His mission was to eradicate all potentially threatening forces and individuals for the country, and Ye Su was obviously in line with his goal. Well, leave it to us. …… Chapter one hundred change of clothes Chapter one hundred change of clothes Chapter one hundred change of clothes One by one, the meteorites began to fall, enter the hole, stand still, and then fist-sized insects began to crawl out slowly. As the number of meteorites falling increases, the number of beetles on the ground begins to increase slowly, and the gradually converging beetles slowly converge into a swarm. Crash. Under the impact of meteorites, dilapidated houses with tiles quickly cracked, walls began to fall to the ground, diffuse dust floated, and then heavy rain fell, dust was not there.. Slowly wiping the sword in his hand, the strange expression on Ye Su's face finally returned to normal, and the sequelae of the loss of facial features slowly returned to normal with the cessation of the battle. Taste and smell will lead to the transfer of nerve excitation, and the most exciting part of the human body is undoubtedly the brain, which is the reason why their mind can not be controlled. While wiping the blood on the sword and analyzing his own situation, Yesu's face fell silent again. The sharp sword can easily split any part of a person, but such a long blade also makes it too inconvenient to carry and collect. Through the light above the sword, Ye Su's line of sight suddenly stagnated. Several strong men in black slowly appeared at the door of the refuge room, and their sharp eyes made Yesu discover them at the first time. There are three shelters in the base, each with an area of more than 100,temperature check kiosk,000 square meters, which makes the crowd of the whole shelter reach a terrible 100,000 people. hsdtouch.com


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