Be obedient _ Fang Xiaoyao

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In the dim light of night, the cool and majestic man came in wearing a stiff shirt,wall penstocks, even though his face was tired and travel-stained, he was still heroic. As a result, the first thing he did when he got home was to tell Zhan Wei that he was hungry.

That night, after Zhan Wei fell asleep, she was held tightly in her arms by Ye Xuecheng. She seemed to have returned to the realm of safety, and as long as she felt his body temperature, she could not guess or think about anything. The next day, with the help of Ye Xuecheng, the bad information related to Super Nova was removed from the hot search. Xie Ze contacted the public relations company and began to publish a clarifying micro-blog. However, on the topic of how Zhan Wei robbed her sister Zhan Fei's boyfriend as a mistress, the popularity and heat have remained high. Probably because the topic of "mistress" is too sensitive, it arouses the empathy of many female netizens. Some passers-by were caught and scolded indiscriminately. I hate the mistress most, and the road turns black from now on. "She's just a scheming bitch who relies on men to get ahead. She looks like a green tea. She won't listen to her songs again." "For such a singer with personality problems, can the Star Award consider removing her from the shortlist?" Even though the activity of the topic on Weibo has declined, the relevant content has been widely forwarded in various forums and post bars. Netizens scolded more and more ugly, "scheming bitch", "green tea" is already a polite description, there are many words that Zhan Wei never thought could be used on her own body,rapid sand filters, thrown at her, it is an eye-opener. The scolding on the Internet is becoming more and more intense, which makes people at a loss. Zhan Wei did not dare to log on to Weibo for a whole week, fearing to see private messages from netizens scolding her. Some of those lethal words were directed at her, and some involved Ye Xuecheng, as vicious as they could be. Things seem to be in a dead end. My good friend Ah Zhen knew about it and called me specially. Little Wei Wei,Mechanical fine screen, we saw the comments. Those people are really super boring. Don't take it to heart. "Ah Zhen." "Do you want to cry?" Zhan Wei didn't speak. Speaking of it, it should be a feeling of wanting to cry without tears. You look soft and soft, but the core is hard. But this kind of hardness is like the hardness of glass, as long as a point is broken somewhere, it will be completely broken. “……” "So don't be silly and tell us what you need to complain about." When Zhan Wei heard her good friend analyze herself, she thought it was interesting, but she didn't know what to say. She thought for a long time and just said three words, "Thank you." "Oh, yes," Ah Zhen thought, "I'm still discussing with Le, lamella tube ,disc air diffuser, when you and Nie Xi are free, we'll go out together during the summer vacation." When Zhan Wei heard the word "wave", she finally couldn't help laughing. "Well, when I finish solving this matter." The negative news on the Internet is still fermenting. Just as the matter was gradually out of the control of Zhan Wei, another protagonist of the incident suddenly updated her abandoned micro-blog for nearly half a year. That afternoon, my sister Zhan Fei sent a text description. Recently, I have seen many people leave messages of sympathy for me, and I feel that my charm as a woman has been despised. I have never been crossed in love since I was a child. Ye Xuecheng and I are not as familiar as you think, and I am not interested in my sister's man. We still care about how much we earn this month and whether we have finished our summer homework. Zhan Wei was stunned. So, sister, this is.. Help yourself? Chapter 72 72 Zhan Wei quickly called her sister Zhan Fei. After the first call, the other side hung up directly. Zhan Wei sat for a while, thinking back and forth about the content of Zhan Fei's micro-blog and the comments of the fans below, as if the moon had caused the tide in her heart. As for the relationship between the three of them, Zhan Wei and Ye Xuecheng both explained on Weibo that netizens should believe or not believe. In the eyes of a large number of passers-by, she and Ye Xuecheng are still arrogant mistresses and scum men, while her sister Zhan Wei is a silent and powerless victim. Zhan Wei never thought that her sister, who had always been arrogant, would speak out for this. Didn't my sister always hate herself? Why did she say such words to help explain? After a few minutes, Zhan Wei could not hold back the restlessness in her heart and dialed again. It rang several times before the phone was picked up. The other side asked directly, "What's the matter?" Zhan Wei breathed softly, "I saw your Weibo." "So?" "Thank you." "Thank me?"? I have nothing to thank you for. Zhan Fei seemed to hear something funny and laughed sarcastically, "Don't think I help you because of sisterhood." Zhan Wei was puzzled. Your fiance called me back and forth, threatening and luring me. Annoying as hell. Zhan Wei was a little surprised. But I'm not afraid of him, and I don't like the conditions he gives me. This micro-blog is a gift for your marriage. "Sister." Zhan Fei smiled softly and added, "Oh, if you can get married smoothly.". If you break up one day, forget I said that. Then, before Zhan Wei had time to respond, Zhan Fei hung up the phone. Until the evening, Zhan Wei was still thinking about it in a daze. Because of her sister's voice, the suspected love triangle once again set off a heat wave. Many netizens rushed to the bottom of her sister's page to watch the "victim". " Is it hush money? "Are you sunspots ready to be black to the end?"? The people involved have said that it is not a triangular relationship. Do you really think that you don't have to take responsibility for rumors? "I knew our Weiwei was innocent." At least, because of her sister's words, passers-by who did not know the truth no longer overwhelmingly abused Zhan Wei and Ye Xuecheng. Later, Ye Xuecheng came back. In the dim light of night, the cool and majestic man came in wearing a stiff shirt,wall penstocks, even though his face was tired and travel-stained, he was still heroic. As a result, the first thing he did when he got home was to tell Zhan Wei that he was hungry. Zhan Wei was a little surprised. She looked at the clock on the wall. It was nearly eight o'clock. "Why didn't you eat at this time?" "There was a meeting at seven." "And before that?" "I didn't go home." 。


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