The whole entertainment circle spoils me [system] [entry]

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The whole entertainment circle spoils me [system] [entry]

Officer Xiao Wang laughed. "How can I apologize for this little thing?". Don't say it's careless. If you really want to touch it, I won't refuse. As soon as Officer Xiao Wang spoke, he realized that his words were too inappropriate. He swore that when he said it just now, he didn't mix any love between men and women. He really treated Su Su as an idol, so he said so. Cough. Lu Jing coughed lightly. Officer Xiao Wang stepped back subconsciously and quickly explained, "I, I didn't mean that. I didn't want to be a hooligan." Lu Jing got up and came over. Officer Xiao Wang took another step back, "I really didn't." Su Su giggled. Lu Jing is not angry. Officer Xiao Wang looked up and saw that Lu Jing looked normal and there was no sign of anger. I just came to say hello. Lu Jing looks innocent. Officer Xiao Wang was embarrassed. "Hello, I'm a policeman," he said with a dry smile. Bah, I'm not a cop. No, no. I mean, instead of calling the police, I call them. Everyone calls me Xiao Wang. You can call me Xiao Wang, too. "Oh," Lu Jing nodded lightly, "I am Lu Jing." Officer Xiao Wang inexplicably felt that he was short in front of Lu Jing. Although the height is really not as good as others, but how can the momentum be severely suppressed by him? Hello,glass cream jars, Lu Jing, I know you. Su Su told me that you were his boyfriend and that you were going to get married soon. "Officer Xiao Wang!" Su Su interrupted hurriedly and winked at Officer Xiao Wang. Officer Xiao Wang was startled. He pulled Su Su, and then they turned around and carried Lu Jing on their backs. Didn't you tell Lu Jing? Afraid that Lu Jing would hear it, Officer Xiao Wang spoke in a breathed voice. Su Su was silent. The distance of these two steps, Lu Jing's ear is so good, no matter what will be heard by Lu Jing ah. Su Su was weak. "Officer Xiao Wang, whether I told him or not,30ml Dropper Bottle, he knows now." Officer Xiao Wang has a stem. He turned around, looked at Lu Jing, then looked at Su Su, and said to himself what he had done. I'm really sorry about that. Officer Xiao Wang is at a loss for words. Lu Jing looked at Su Su and slightly hooked his lips. "It doesn't matter." Officer Xiao Wang paused. Brother, I'm the one who apologizes to you. Why did you reply to Su Su. Dog abuse. Too much dog abuse. Su Su blushed, reached out to hold Lu Jing's hand, and then looked at Officer Xiao Wang, "It's all right. I'll go first." "Oh," officer Xiao Wang gawked. "Good." Watching the two men leave, Officer Xiao Wang stayed for a while, and then he suddenly found that Su Su did not take the cake on the table, was about to chase out, Amber Dropper Bottles ,Glass Cream Jars, and stopped. He felt that he needed a good comfort today. This cake, or he will solve it by himself. At the gate of Su Su community. Fang yuan drove a sports car that had not yet been listed and was stopped outside the community. Which building are you the owner of? Perhaps seeing his extraordinary clothes, the security guard came to ask. Fang yuan is too honest. "I am Su Su's friend.". I drove here first, and she followed me. At the mention of Su Su, the security guard's expression suddenly became alert. No way, the big star's illegitimate meals and suitors are many, have to guard against. The security guard took a look at the empty gate road outside the community and asked, "You said Su Su was in the back. Where is she?" Fang yuan didn't pay much attention. "She may drive slowly, but she'll be here in a minute.". You let me in first. "That's no good. We all have norms, and we have to follow them.". So, is there anyone now? You wait at the door for a while, and when Su Su comes, I'll let you in. Fang yuanxin said that Su Su was in the back anyway, not short of such a short time, so he waited at the door with peace of mind. In an hour. Fang yuan didn't have Su Su's phone number, so he had to send Su Su a message on WeChat. I didn't know that Weixin sent one after another, but there was no response at all. He tried several times to make a voice call, but failed. The security guard was respectful to Fang yuan at first. But now, an hour later, he looked at Fang yuan, his eyes full of wariness, and he almost looked at Fang yuan as a criminal. Fang yuan pinched his eyebrows. Su Su, who walked out of the police station, suddenly had a meal. Lu Jing, are we forgetting something? Lu Jing smiled. Is there? I don't think so. ” Chapter 119 Sitting in the car, Su Su took out his cell phone and found that he did not know when to turn it into silent mode. There are many wechat messages on the screen of the mobile phone. They all come from the same person, Fang yuan. "Miserable," Su Su patted his little head, "we forgot Fang yuan." Lu Jing looked light. "It's all right. He's so big that he won't wait at the door foolishly." "You're right." Su Su felt a little less guilty. She sent a voice call to Fang yuan, and the call request was immediately agreed by the other party. It's like I've been waiting. Su Su! Why haven't you come yet? I've been waiting at the gate of your community for more than an hour! Aha, did you really wait for more than an hour? Su Su looked at Lu Jing. What's the matter? Lu Jing gave her an innocent smile. Su Su was in a daze. She felt that Lu Jing seemed to look better. Well, it's a bit of a hook. Lu Jing came over and kissed her forehead gently. It's so soft. Su Suxin said. Su Su!!! Fang yuan on the other end of the phone shouted several times before he called Su Su's soul back. Ah, Fang yuan, what's the matter with you? Su Su is in a daze. Fang yuan bared his teeth. "I'm still waiting at the gate of your community.". When will you come over? "I'll tell you the password of the house upstairs, and you can go in and rest first." Fang yuan is helpless, "there is a security guard staring at the gate of your community, and I can't get in." "Ah," Su Su then reacted, "you give the phone to the security guard, I said to him." …… After returning home, Su Su put things down and prepared to go upstairs to find Fang yuan. Lu Jing suddenly looked at her,Foam Pump Bottles Wholesale, and showed that kind of innocent smile, "just in the police station, said you want to and me." "Stop!" 。


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