Tomb Piracy Notes _ Nanpai Sanshu

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Tomb Piracy Notes _ Nanpai Sanshu

He had heard of a kind of magic, called the magic, which can make people very aggressive, and now hidden in the mouth cavity behind the mask, the kind of insects that go deep into people's throats may be the prototype of the ancient magic, which may affect the nervous system of animals or people and attack strangers. So when I smashed their masks, the monkey reverted to its original nature and instinctively started to stay away from us. They can reproduce in the host, and when the host dies, they will attach themselves to a certain place, such as the cavity of the mask, wait for the next host to come near, and then parasitize in some way. This mummified corpse, perhaps the worker who was mining here at that time, was unlucky to encounter the dormant state of the evil, and as a result, it was harmed by this ancient magic. Of course, there is no record of this kind of thing, and I don't know if it's true, but it's an indisputable fact that there are insects hidden in the mask and deep into the throat. This is definitely not a common thing, so we should be careful to guard against it. Hearing what Master Liang said, I got goose bumps all over my body. My heart said that this was the same as the plot of American movies. I didn't expect that American science fiction movies had to learn from the technology of our ancestors. I really didn't know whether to say glory or shame. Turning around, I saw that the strange mummies were still hanging there motionless, and the pale masks seemed to be smiling,Thyroid Powder Factory, as if they were waiting for us to approach. Old Itch's face was a little ugly. He murmured and asked Master Liang, "What you said is too horrible. If you attach it to this bewitching, it's all right to pull it down immediately. There won't be any hidden dangers, will there?" Master Liang said, "I haven't been hit either. It's hard to understand. I think if I attach it, I can't simply pull it down.". This kind of thing, we still give priority to prevention, these mummies,Lactoferrin Manufacturer, we try not to get close. Tai Shu also fell from this time, he is such an old Jianghu, it is estimated that it will not be a slip, to be careful. Old Itch frowned, wanted to say something, but did not say, I asked him, now like this, how much time to climb, if the top is full of such dense branches, it is estimated that tired to death is not the top, Old Itch told me that the top will be sparse, when he climbed, only a small flashlight, poor lighting, did not notice these mummies, L Methylfolate Factory ,D BHB Factory, but anyway a pillar of Huashan Mountain. You can't climb anywhere else if you climb up. I felt that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, so I asked them to go through this period first. There was a fat boss with Master Liang. If he was not here, he might still be on top of us. If he got to the top first, he would be in trouble. If we were ambushed, the three of us might die for no reason. Old Itch says: "Those who say is reasonable, you wait, I make a flare, see what ambush does not have above." Then he took out his flare gun and fired a straight shot at the top. Signal flares fly to the top, and did not hit the head, my heart missed a beat, this bullet can at least hit the height of more than 200 meters, it is difficult to climb more than 200 meters, ha ha, that is really deadly. The signal bomb burned up, looked up, and sure enough, not far up, the branches were loose again. I couldn't figure out why it was designed like this. And from below, the range of 200 meters was not beyond sight. I could still see something, although I couldn't say what it was. When the flare fell, Old Itch looked at it for a while and said, "It seems that the fat Guangdong boss didn't ambush on it. Maybe Uncle Tai came here alive. After all, the coffin array outside is not so good.." Hey, what are those things? ww w . xia oshu m Volume III Qinling Sacred Tree Chapter 28 Sky txt? Small ? Say ? Paradise The flare fell across the area, and the faces moved, avoiding the hot ball of light, looking like one beetle after another with faces. These should be what Master Liang said, the ancients raised them in a special mask, actually multiplied down, just now I was dubious, did not expect to meet so soon, or such a large group. The face clings to the bronze tree of the gully, illuminated by the flowing light, showing different expressions, or pain, or melancholy, or ferocious, or smirk, I have never seen such a strange scene, which makes my hair stand on end. Master Liang spoke generously, but as soon as he saw the real thing, he trembled and said to me, "Two.." Two little brothers, these are all alive. Those bewitches are attached under the mask. What should we do? How can we get there? "Don't panic," said the old itch. "Look how they react to flares. These things must be afraid of light and heat. Let's light the torches and walk up slowly. They dare not touch us." I shook my head. "Don't be absolute. The temperature and brightness of the flare are very high. Of course they are afraid. The torches are different. Don't forget that the monkeys just ran away when they met the flare. But if you use the torches to frighten them, they just retreat. I guess if you hit the torches, you will not only fail, but also be surrounded. It will be difficult to get away." "What do you say?" Old Itch asks me: "Do you have what idea?" I said, "I don't have a ready-made idea. It's just a preliminary idea. I don't know if it will work." Old Itch is impatient: "I know your ghost idea is much, then you say quickly." I pointed to the rock wall dozens of meters away and said,Quercetin Dihydrate Manufacturer, "It's too dangerous to go up like this directly. If it's really like what Master Liang said.". There must be some way for these living masks to crawl on our faces. There must be sacrifices. We might as well go around. Do you have any way to let us swing to the opposite rock wall? There are so many holes on it. It's not difficult to climb. We can also have a good rest. The old itch looked at the direction I pointed and shouted, "This … …" Is it far? Swing over? I nodded. "I have only one thought in my mind. Don't we still have a rope?"? Take it out and see if it's long enough. If this doesn't work, I think you have to go down and bring a flamethrower next time.


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