Women’s Day is a day that cannot be overemphasized as it provides us with a privileged opportunity to celebrate women. From your mother, sister, wife, friend or colleague, a bouquet of flowers is one of the best Women’s Day gifts that will make the women feel appreciated, loved and important. Deciding on the right one just in addition to this day will make it even better; therefore, the Women’s Day gifts should be special and unforgettable. Here are some fantastic flower bouquets that women would love to receive on Women’s Day.
Rose Bouquet
Roses stand for love, admiration, and appreciation, and thus, it would be quite appropriate and desirable to present a rose to women on Women’s Day. The pink rose represents thank you, and the yellow rose symbolizes a happy friendship. If you want to go with something less traditional, then a combination of red and white roses symbolizes unity and esteem.
Orchid Bouquet
Orchids are alluring and elegant and are associated with power, elegance, and allure. A bouquet with purple or white orchids sends a message of sophistication and is most appropriate for a woman who would like to be offered something special and chic when it comes to floral delivery.
Sunflower Bouquet
Sunflowers are associated with happy, joyful and positive emotions. This flower is easy to recognize since it comes with bright yellow petals that can easily brighten up the mood of the recipient. Sunflowers can be combined with other flowers, such as baby’s breath or green, to make the beauty of the bouquet even more unique.
Carnation Bouquet
Carnations are symbolic of admiration and appreciation and, therefore, appropriate for Women’s Day. The pink colour of the carnations represents the love of the mother, while the white colour represents purity as well as luck. Delicate and pretty pastel carnations are combined with other carnations in this bouquet.
Lily Bouquet
Lilies cater for this elegance and sophistication among flowers. The white lilies are associated with purity, while the orange ones symbolize confidence and energy. A beautiful composition made from a mixture of flowers and lilies with strict and tender leaves is an elegant and pleasant gift.
Tulip Bouquet
Tulips are considered one of the most beautiful flowers that are associated with elegance and admiration. Pink tulips make a perfect gift for expressing gratitude and congratulations, while purple tulips are symbolic of esteem. Tulips with bright yellow may be appropriate for Women’s Day as they will cheer up the event.
Mixed Wildflower Bouquet
If you prefer a less formal and wilder look, the mixed wildflowers bouquet might be perfect for you. These often include wildflowers such as daisies, lavender and some flowers in season to symbolize the joy and happiness that comes with the arrangements.
Gerbera Daisy Bouquet
Gerbera daisies are, perhaps, one of the most popular flowers today owing to their vibrant colours and the meanings they carry – joy and happiness. Multi-coloured gerberas arranged in a bouquet symbolize liveliness and strength; therefore, it will be a perfect gift on Women’s Day.
Lavender & Baby’s Breath Bouquet
Lavender symbolizes elegance and calmness. On the other hand, baby breath adds gentleness to the flower’s combination. This blend leaves a lovely, fragrant flower arrangement that signifies so much serenity and gratitude.
Peony Bouquet
Peonies are large foliage and full-blossomed flowers and are often associated with prosperity, love, and honour. Fresh flowers, especially a bunch of pink- or off-white-coloured peonies, speak of class and can be a lovely gesture for women on Women’s Day.
Chrysanthemum Bouquet
Chrysanthemums are one of the elegant flowers that symbolize joy, longevity, and devotion. Yellow, red, or purple chrysanthemums are great symbols of admiration and gratitude; a beautiful bouquet of these flowers is perfect for a hardworking woman.
Calla Lily Bouquet
Calla lilies are exquisite and convey the ideas of elegance and desire. Lilies, particularly white calla lilies, represent elegance and luxury, while yellow brings the feeling of joy into a room.
Hydrangea Bouquet
Hydrangeas are large and somewhat delicate flowers that symbolize gratitude and understanding. For instance, when it comes to floral gifts, a dreamy and heartfelt option to pick is a pastel-coloured hydrangea bouquet with a combination of blue, pink, and purple tones.
Roses and Baby’s Breath Bouquet
There is no better combination than roses and baby’s breath to get a simple and yet to-the-point romantic flower bouquet. The soft touch of the baby’s breath complements the hardy structure of the roses, making this bouquet perfect to convey respect and affection.
Protea and Wild Greens Bouquet
One of the bolder options trending would be a bouquet of protea flowers and wild greens. Protea is a symbol of courage and transformation, so it is an encouraging gift for all the strong women you know.
Anemone and Ranunculus Bouquet
The choice of anemones as flowers brings out an element of anticipation as well as protection, while the choice of ranunculus has the symbolism of charm and attractiveness. A combination of these flowers produces a colourful and good-looking floral heap that has a remarkable impact on the eye and heart.
Freesia Bouquet
Originating from the South African region, freesias are characterized by their sweet scent and are mostly associated with friendship and trust. As for Happy Women’s Day flowers, a colourful freesia bouquet reflects femininity and freshness and will be a great gift for all the beautiful women in your life with the symbolism of the bouquet.
Final Thoughts
One often finds it easier to express feelings and emotions through flowers than through words. Every flower has its symbolic meaning, so giving flowers is a very personal and heartwarming Women’s Day present. Regardless of choosing a rose, sunflower, or orchid, your chosen gesture is sure to brighten up the day of the recipient and help them realize that they are dear to you. Choose the appropriate bouquet that suits her personality and make her day even brighter with the fresh flowers.