This section describes the advantages and disadvantages of 5g band combiner

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5g band combiner

What is the 5g band combiner?

The 5g band combiner is an electromagnetic wave with a wavelength (λ) of approximately 1 millimeter (1 to 10 millimeters, to be exact). Its formula f = c /λ converts this wavelength into a frequency, where c is the speed of light (3 x 10 8 m/s), resulting in a frequency range of 30-300 GHz. The 5g band combiner band is designated as an "extremely High frequency" (EHF) band by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The term "5g band combiner" is also often abbreviated to "mmWave".

The characteristics of 5g band combiner signal propagation are: high free space path loss, significant atmospheric attenuation, diffuse reflection, limited penetration depth, free space path loss.

One limitation of 5g band combiner radio frequency (RF) communication is the free space path loss (FSPL) of direct line-of-sight communication between two antennas. FSPL is inversely proportional to the square of the wavelength.

Diffuse reflection

Longer wavelengths often rely on direct (specular) reflection power to help bypass obstacles (think mirror-like reflection). However, many surfaces appear "rough" to a 5g band combiner, which causes diffuse reflection that sends energy in many different directions.

Limited penetration

Due to the short wavelength, the 5g band combiner cannot penetrate deep or through most materials. For example, one study of common building materials found attenuation ranges of about 1 to 6 dB/cm, and penetration losses through brick walls at 70 GHz could be five times greater than at 1 GHz. Outdoors, the leaves will also block most 5g band combiner. As a result, most 5g band combiner communications are limited to line-of-sight operations.

The advantages of 5g band combiner

For many applications, the free space path loss, atmospheric attenuation, diffuse reflection, and limited penetration of the 5g band combiner signal are detrimental. However, it turns out that these features can also be exploited as advantages in some applications. The benefits of the 5g band combiner include broadband width, high data rate, low latency, small antenna, limited range, limited reflection, limited penetration, and improved resolution.

5g band combiner
