Vet supplies for horses dubai online

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Vet supplies for horses dubai online



Providing the several needs of businesses, veterinarians, and pet owners all throughout the United Arab Emirates, Vyom Distribution is a trustworthy provider of superior wholesale pet supplies in Dubai. Our wide range of items ensures animals' health, comfort, and happiness, therefore promoting their welfare. From daily essentials including pet food and grooming tools to specialist items like horse medication and veterinary supplies, we are committed to provide excellent products at fair prices.


Our products include horse medicine in the UAE, customised to fit the specific needs of equine therapy using premium formulations and horse liniments promoting recovery and wellbeing. Although our animal diagnostic kits ensure suitable medical treatment and monitoring, our pee pads provide a required alternative for indoor training for tiny dogs. Medical shirts pets dubai


Being the biggest supplier of pet shop in Dubai, we deal with a variety of animals including birds. We supply wholesale vet supplies for birds in Dubai covering all element of dietary requirements including all kinds of nutritional supplements. Whether they are exotic animals, dogs, or cats, we also have a lot of pet tablets and drugs to increase their vitality.


Being a consistent partner for pet businesses delivering not just products but also a promise of quality makes us very happy at Vyom Distribution. Whether your quest is for daily pet basics or specialist horse care products, we are the one-stop store for all wholesale pet supplies in Dubai. Get in touch right now to look over our extensive range of products and services.


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